Sitting in my studio, I can hear thunder outside and it is warm and drizzling rain. This is the third time that I have been in my studio for longer than 20 minutes to create some of my own artwork. I have been helping my kids with school work during the day and at nights have been teaching art online. I think I have creative block or maybe it is lack of motivation or just plain old procrastination. I made crispy cake today and have eaten 2 slices already. Yesterday I made bread and thought it deserved the Hollywood handshake. Don’t think I would really want to shake Paul Hollywoods hand though but it is nice to think he would like it. Drinking far too much wine and eating like there is no tomorrow, I decided to take up indoor cycling cause I am too lazy to go outside on an actual bike. I call it fake cycling.
Trying to keep your creative mojo up is difficult when you have less time than you did before and there is constant noise in the house but my motto is 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there and before you know it, bish , bash , bosh, you have created a masterpiece. There is never a good time to create art, just like there is never a good time to clean the house. ( Cleaning the house is definitly something that is a waste of time, so actually just do the bare minimum so that you prevent a rat infestation.)
Lockdown brings its challenges for everyone. Some more than others. Some love it (Introverts have never felt so happy) , some hate it and some are making the best of it. Some of my friends have been going through a hellish time , deep family problems, cancer, death. It’s hard to be distant when you know you could help if you were there physically. So creating art seems like the last thing I should be doing. Creating anything seems like the last thing we should be concerned about but it can make all the difference in a day of repetition to sit down and create something, anything. Doesn’t have to be good art but just to doodle or create knew ideas. Spreading the cheer with art is helping the moral of the NHS at the moment with the scheme, paint a portrait of an NHS staff member. I have been paired with a lovely lady from Edinburgh, so that has sparked knew motivation. Children all over have been painting rainbows and adding colour to street life. My mum has started knitting small baby clothes to sell for charity. My friend has been baking and dropping the goodies off to neighbours. I love how creativity oozes from us even when we don’t realise it. Anyway, when I sat down to type, I had no idea what would come out. Not the most cohesive rambling but a ramble none the less. So I encourage you to create, even if the only time you get peace and quite is if you lock yourself in the bathroom. I am going to try and create something now. Oh wait. No I am not................Have to make the tea first. Hahaha.
Anyway, here is one of my most recent outpourings.
“ The gathering , hope springs”
Pastel on pastel paper
Will be available to buy at my upcoming exhibition after lockdown. Hopefully.
See you all very soon
Love Jaclyn
