I thought it may be a good idea to start a newsletter to all you lovely people but do it as a blog. Then I can look back on the year and have a record of all that has been happening.
It is now August, I have been on holiday for the month of July and am now gearing up to start back to all things art. Even though I have been taking a break, I have still managed to create a portrait of a young boy in pastel, create a portrait of a house in Aberdeen and make some new felted creatures.


I am hoping that I will be able to illustrate some of them and maybe make it into a poetry book. First I need to see if I will have any time for that.
The rest of the year is looking pretty chockablock for me so finding time is not easy.
I have been asked to teach at St Andrews University in the art history department. I will be teaching the students how to draw drapery, the portrait and eventually the human body. So that's an exciting new twist in the life of an artist.
I will again be teaching for Flavours online and in the coming months to Elie and then to Granada. Never a dull moment on these trips and always so much fun.
I was approached by the owner of Fife war games to design an unusual patch of a skeleton jackdaw. It was such a fun project and the finished item is so cool. He loved it so much he has commissioned me to do some more. I love doing things that are not my normal art style. It really fires up my creative thinking.

My regular classes start back next week and I am really looking forward to teaching a brand new course, Travelling Western Europe through art. It is also exciting to give the teen art class an opportunity to draw the clothed figure with my life model Jenna.
I am also hoping to start the process of recording individual lessons and have them available for purchase, so you can keep learning and drawing from the comfort of your own home. It is a lot of work but I like the idea of having an online library of all my lessons. Maybe when the kids are older they will watch these videos and learn from their old mum!
I was so happy to hear from one of my students. She was struggling with her Nat 5 art course and her mum decided to give her some private lessons. She emailed this week and told me her result was an A! And now she is going to be taking higher art.
My own artwork has taken a back seat for awhile as I had so many personal family things to move through but you will be pleased to know I am forming some new ideas and hope to have an art show of new work 2024 or 2025. Depends on my productivity.
So a heck of a lot going on. Maybe too much for one person but I will keep dreaming and building until I don't have any inspiration left. I hope you stick with me on the journey. See you all soon.
Love Jaclyn