We have already sailed through February and are almost half way through March. Time is just flying by. Sometimes the only way I remember what I have been doing is to look back through my phone photographs. I am sure you are the same. I think it is just business and not memory loss. Well that is what I try and convince myself of. Sometimes the brain can only take in so much information and filters out the non essential stuff. My problem is that I am not even remembering the essential stuff! Never mind, It will soon be the Easter holidays and hopefully my brain can take a wee rest.
I just wanted to let you all know what exciting things have been happening in the life of an artist. I shall work backwards , maybe by the end my brain will have kicked into gear.
I had the pleasure of installing one of my paintings called " The tree of life" at Craigtoun Park cafe. It is made up of 12 small oil paintings, when joined together it makes one large installation. The oil painting is filled with lots of creatures, squirrels, ladybirds, butterflies etc. I have made up an interactive quiz for families to find as many animals as they can. It is a great space for making art accessible for all ages and backgrounds. So I am hoping people will love it and engage with it.
If you want to pop along to Craigtoun Country park , you will find it on display in the cafe. Click here for a link for a you tube video on the installation process.
Speaking of YOU TUBE, I have started a you tube channel so that it is easier for those of you who are not on social media to view what exciting things I have been up to. Here you can see things like paintings in progress, art trips and collaborations that I may be part of. I hope you will enjoy visiting and having a wee nosey. I would appreciate it if you want to subscribe and click the like button to help support the channel. It is free and does not require you to pay anything. CLICK HERE to see all videos.
I had a successful trip to my framer @jeniframe. She is a fantastic framer who works from her wee home in Kilconqhuar. I love the frames so much, I decided to invest in some more for some paintings that have been hiding in my studio. Once they are framed they will be for sale and you will have the opportunity to buy them. A good frame can make all the difference to a piece of art and I hope you will like what she has created. Here is a sample of one finished painting that will be available in an upcoming exhibition. It is a floating gold gilt frame. All hand made. It will be hard to sell this one as I love it so much. The great thing about being an artist is I can always paint another one.
I am almost coming to the end of the first block of classes and gearing up for the second term which takes place after the Easter holidays. You can see what classes are available HERE. It is a joy to teach so many amazing students.
I led a class with the art history students at St Andrews University. The students were trying their hand at silverpoint. This was a technique very popular for drawing in the Renaissance and Dutch age of painting. I think it was a great success and here's to many more sessions in the future.
I had the pleasure again of designing a logo for Fife war games. It is an airsoft company based near Cupar. The owner Oli Gage Walker gave me the loose brief of designing with a lightning bug in mind. Oli will add colour to it, I did the initial design. So here it is so far. I can't wait to see what he makes it into. I will obviously update you all and you can be excited along with me.
Since you are on my mailing list, I want to give you some perks that the general public don't get. So I thought I would show you what I am working on at the moment, what is on my easel now.
I am working on this round canvas. I have created my own fabric inspired by broken porcelain that I have found in various places. I had the idea of a paper/fabric flower. Flowers are beautiful yet fragile, here with us for a moment. Fabric is made from threads, the warp and weft, symbolising the ins and outs, ups and downs of our life. A beautiful but fragile tapestry.
Of course there will be gold added to it. You know how much I love gold. To me gold represents the healing, restoration and Divine help available to us, along with the sacredness of life. Still a long way to go to completion but it is quite a meditative process.
Lastly, I have my spring sale on most of my merchandise. Please do not buy from my website shop for these but rather order from me direct. I need to update my shop prices and have not had time yet. If you would like anything let me know and I can deliver locally. If you live further afield then postage will be added.
Thanks as always for your support and love of my artwork and classes.