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November Arty Farty Newsletter

Hello lovely art lovers. Welcome to Novembers arty farty update. Lots of exciting things have been happening this month. It has been busy, busy, busy. The life of an artist is never dull. So what has been happening I hear you ask?

Well I have been busy creating some new artworks which I hope to gather into a new collection to show sometime in 2024. I am really excited and proud of the work that I am creating and feel that it maybe some of my best work so far. I am working on the themes of restoration, redemption, brokenness to wholeness, beauty from ashes. I spoke about an old quarry that I found near to my home and I found loads of broken porcelain which has sparked hundreds of ideas. Here is a sneak peak at one of my most recent endeavors. It is a large canvas measuring approx. 1 metre squared.

Here are a few close up pictures to show you the golden thread that is repairing the torn fabric. The pattern has been created from the broken porcelain that I have gathered over the years and from the quarry. I love to use gold which speaks to me of God and gives a sacred feeling and value to human life.


This month I have been continuing my running my art classes which run on Wednesday and Thursday's along with some private lessons. I also had the opportunity to teach the St Andrews University art department all about drawing drapery. You can see keep informed with the Art history department by following their Instagram page @arthistorysta. I also have been teaching again for Flavours holiday company on their Wednesday Zoom classes.

Festive Soiree

I had a good turn out for my little festive Soiree. I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the students and art buyers who have supported my art work over the years. I meant to have a wee party in 2020 but Covid happened. I have been running my business now for 13 years, since leaving Elmwood college and Adam Smith , where I taught art and design. My business has been successful because of all you wonderful people and I am eternally grateful.

Restoring a painting

Occasionally I get the privilege of restoring a painting. I am not a professional restorer but I can help with certain levels of restoration. Here is a painting that was brought to me today and I am looking forward to giving it a good clean and touching up a few scratches.

So now to December. It is not long until Christmas and the festive period. I am looking forward to some time off and relaxation with my family. Until then, I have a portrait to finish, a painting to restore and some new art work to create.

Keep creating
Love Jaclyn


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